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Frequently Asked Questions

What are eConsults, and how do they work?


Answer: eConsults are electronic consultations where primary care physicians and other healthcare providers can seek expert advice from a pediatric pulmonologist, without the need for an in-person visit. These consultations can involve secure messaging, sharing medical records, and sometimes video conferencing to discuss patient cases and obtain recommendations.

How can eConsults improve access to pediatric pulmonology care in underserved areas?


Answer: eConsults provide immediate access to specialized care that might otherwise be unavailable in underserved or rural areas. By leveraging technology, primary care providers can consult with pediatric pulmonologists, ensuring timely and expert guidance for their patients without the need for travel.

How do eConsults ensure the same quality of care as in-person consultations?

Answer: eConsults maintain high-quality care through detailed case submissions, including patient history, test results, and imaging. Pediatric pulmonologists can thoroughly review this information and provide comprehensive recommendations. In cases where an in-person visit is necessary, the specialist can guide the primary care provider on next steps.

How do eConsults address the issue of specialist shortages in pediatric pulmonology?


Answer: eConsults enable specialists to extend their reach to a larger number of patients without the constraints of geographic location. This model maximizes the specialist’s time and expertise, allowing them to support more primary care providers and their patients efficiently.

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